How should Netflix work

(21 Jan 2022)

[ drm  ]

Recently I started looking at movies on Netflix that belongs to a friend. Personally I don’t like streaming services, but it seems that this is the future of how the media will be consumed. In this blog post I want to look at what could be done to make Netflix consumer friendly. But first I want to talk about DRM.

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Google alternatives

(25 Nov 2021)

[ google  ]

I personally don’t like how most of the big tech companies are invading privacy. One of the most intrusive in this case is Google for which users are the commodity to trade and they are selling the data to other companies. User data are big business nowadays and it looks like it will stay like it for some time. This is the main reason why I’m writing this blog post to show people how to live without Google account.

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Running Minikube in Vagrant

(21 Dec 2020)

[ fedora  vagrant  minikube  ]

I wrote before about Running OpenShift Origin on Silverblue and it started to be an issue lately because of the Fedora 30. So I decided to dedicate some time to switch it to Fedora 33 with minikube. We choose minikube for your project, because it allows you to run light weight Kubernetes cluster relatively easy and because minishift (Light weight OpenShift cluster) doesn’t support OpenShift 4 yet. The ansible role that does the provisioning of the Vagrant machine could be found here.

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