Running Openshift Origin on Silverblue

25 Feb 2020

[ fedora  silverblue  openshift  ]

I spent last few weeks trying to get Openshift Origin running on Fedora Silverblue, so I said to myself, that I will share my experience with others. I was making it run for mbbox project, so everything could be find here. I will add links to files where applicable.


  • Vagrant - Although vagrant is not part of the Silverblue ostree, I’m using it for various things everytime I need a light VM.

  • Ansible - Ansible is used for vagrant VM provisioning and is also helpful for provisioning various containers.

To install vagrant and ansible on Silverblue, unfortunately you need to layer it:

rpm-ostree install libvirt vagrant vagrant-sshfs ansible

Setting the environment

Vagrant environment is defined in Vagrantfile as mbbox_os311 and then provisioned by ansible role.


There are few things in the Vagrantfile that I want to explain related to Openshift.

  1. = "fedora/30-cloud-base"

    Why Fedora 30 and not newer? The reason is simple, because cgroups v2 are incompatible with docker and the Openshift Origin is using docker for everything.

  2. "forwarded_port", guest: 8443, host: 8443

    This should allow you to access web console, but I didn’t have any luck here. So I just used the oc command.

  3. domain.cpus = Etc.nprocessors

    This allows the VM to get as many processors as available on the host, because building of the containers is rather CPU heavy.

Ansible role

I will go through every task in ansible provisioning file for OpenShift except the ones that are project specific, so everybody could understand, why the tasks is needed.

  1. Install openshift dependencies

    This task will install the only dependency you need on Fedora and that is the origin-clients, it installs everything you need to have working Openshift instance in your vagrant.

        name: [
        state: present
  2. Add insecure-registries entry

    This task will enable the use of local registry for Openshift, without it you are unable to use registry module in OpenShift and thus build from any local buildconfig.

        path: /etc/containers/registries.conf
        after: 'registries.insecure'
        before: 'registries.block'
        regexp: '^(registries =).*$'
        replace: '\1 [""]'
  3. Restart registries

    After previous task you need to restart registries for changes to take effect.

        state: restarted
        name: registries
  4. Add cgroups to docker systemd service

    This one blocked me for some time, you need to change the docker cgroupdriver from systemd (default) to cgroupfs. I found this advice in Bugzilla.

        path: /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
        regexp: '(native.cgroupdriver=)systemd'
        replace: '\1cgroupfs'
  5. Start docker

    You need to make sure docker service is actually running before doing anything with OpenShift itself.

        state: restarted
        daemon_reload: yes
        name: docker
  6. Start cluster

    You can start cluster now, this will take few minutes before it starts and sometimes this failed on timeout in my case, but most of the time the cluster was successfuly started. I needed to enable only few modules, but others should work too.

    command: oc cluster up --enable=[router, registry, web-console]
  7. Add registry

    Even if you enabled the registry in previous step you still need to add it manually. I didn’t figure out why this is needed, but otherwise the registry doesn’t work as it should.

    command: oc cluster add registry
  8. (Optional) Create project

    In this step you could create any project you want, I worked on the setup script for mbox, so I used the mbox as project name.

    command: oc new-project mbox
  9. (Optional) Copy template

    If you want to work with the database it is good to use template. The templates could be obtained from openshift-ansible, but for the PostgreSQL I needed few changes to make it work, so the updated template could be found here. I also recommend to use ephemeral templates in vagrant, otherwise you need persistent volume, which is one thing I didn’t figure out how to setup.

    copy: src=postgresql-ephemeral-template.json dest=/tmp/postgresql-ephemeral-template.json
  10. (Optional) Switch to admin user

    This step is related to the database setup, because you need admin rights to install the templates in OpenShift.

    command: oc login -u system:admin
  11. (Optional) Install PostgreSQL templates

    The installation of the template(s) is done using oc create command, this will install the template into openshift namespace and it’s ready to be used in any project you create.

    command: oc create -f "/tmp/postgresql-ephemeral-template.json" -n openshift
  12. (Optional) Use centos registry for postgress imagestream

    I didn’t find any better PostgreSQL imagestream for OpenShift than the one in The default in the original template didn’t worked, so I used this one. As you can see in command bellow, I’m just tagging the as potgresql:latest.

    command: oc tag --scheduled=true postgresql:latest
  13. (Optional) Grant router access to host network

    This is just needed if you want to deploy router in your Openshift. This is adding a default HAProxy router. You need admin rights to do this, look at step 10.

    command: oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork -z router
  14. (Optional) Deploy router

    The second step for the router is deployment. I deployed the router with only port 8443 allowed, because I didn’t need anything else in my setup.

    command: oc adm router --ports='8443'

Using the vagrant VM

  • Start vagrant VM

    To start vagrant environment simply use vagrant up, this will setup the VM and do the provisioning.

  • Log into vagrant VM

    To log inside our vagrant VM use vagrant ssh.

  • Restart vagrant VM

    If there is any issue that needs restart of the VM, you need to do vagrant destroy and then vagrant up (because of the Openshift setup you can’t just use vagrant provision).

  • Working with Openshift inside vagrant VM

    To work with Openshift use oc command and you can do whatewer you want. Just remember because of the docker, you must use sudo oc or create an alias. If you want to do any admin work using oc adm, you need to login as system admin oc login -u system:admin.

I hope this will help to someone, who is struggling with OpenShift on Silverblue as I was.

Written on February 25, 2020